QEval New UI User Manual


The User page allows for managing all the users. It allows an admin to add, edit, delete, search, import, and export users of various roles – Admin, Agent, Supervisor, QA Manager, QA Supervisor, QA Verifier,  and VP – within the QEval system. 

To access this functionality, select Manage > User as shown below:

The Manage Users page will be displayed as shown below:

This page displays the list of all the users that are already created with different user roles.


Add Users

An admin can add users to the QEval system. Also, when a user is added, the page allows the admin to provide various access rights to the user based upon requirements.

A new user will not be added to the QEval system unless the admin mentions the user’s credentials in the required fields.

To add a new user follow the steps given below:

  1. To add a new user, click on Add/Import Users button.

Add/Import Users page will be displayed as shown below:

2. Provide the following details.

Screen Elements



User Name

Enter the User Name of the new user.


Enter a strong password.

Note: The password should meet the below requirements.

  • Must be at least 12 characters.

  • Should not be greater than 128 characters.

Example: Effective1?.

Confirm Password

Re-enter the password for confirmation.

Employee ID

Enter the ID of the employee.

Employee Type

Enter the type of employee.

Business Unit

By default, the business unit is already selected and is disabled.

First Name

Enter the first name of the user.

Middle Name

Enter the middle name of the user.

Last Name

Enter the last name of the user.

Location Name

Select the location from the dropdown list.


Enter the Email address.

Supervisor Name

Enter the supervisor’s name of the user.

Start Date

Select the start date of the user to use this platform.

Alternate ID

Enter the alternate ID of the user.


Select the Program from the dropdown list.

Is Supervisor?

Select this check box if the user is a Supervisor.

Track by Program

 Select this checkbox to track the user by the program.

Is Access IP based?

Select this checkbox to allow access to Users based on IP Addresses.

Note: Selecting the checkbox restricts the User from accessing QEval from any other IP Address.

                  Access Rights


Select the Role of the user to restrict or allow access rights.

Based on the selected Role, under the Assign Roles section, related rights are displayed. Admin can provide more rights by selecting the checkbox of the related actions for each module.

3. Once the necessary fields are configured, click Submit  button to add the user, or click  button to reset the fields.

The newly added user will be displayed on the Manage Users page as displayed on the following screen:

Add Custom Fields

The Add/Import User window also includes an additional feature – Add Custom Fields. This is as shown in the below screen:

It helps to add more details other than the ones available in the default Add/Import User module.

When an admin clicks on this button, the system redirects to the Client Metadata Fields page in a new tab as displayed on the following screen:

To add a new Custom Field, follow the steps mentioned below:

  1. Click on Add Client Metadata Fields button.

Add Client Metadata Fields page will be displayed as shown below:

2. Provide the following details.

    • Label Text: Enter the label name for the new custom field. 
    • Label Data Type: Select the data type in accordance with the type of label text from the dropdown field as shown below:

Character Limit: The system displays this field if a user selects the Integer or Text from the Label Data Type field. Then, this field restricts the user to enter the characters beyond the set limit. 

Dropdown: The system displays this field if a user selects the Dropdown or Multiselect-Dropdown from the Label Data Type field. Enter multiple values in a comma-separated format as shown below.

    • Mandatory: Select this checkbox to make the newly added custom fields mandatory to fill while creating new users.

3. Once the necessary fields are configured, click Submit  button to add the custom field, or click  button to reset the fields.

Then the new custom field will be displayed in the grid on the same console. This is as shown below:

Click on the Edit icon to edit the submitted custom field values and the same Add Client Metadata Fields page will be displayed. Then the system allows the user to edit all the fields. 

Click on the Delete icon to delete the entered custom fields and the system will display a confirmatory message before deleting the data like the one shown below:

Click  button to continue with the deletion of the custom field, or click  button to cancel the process.


Import Users

An admin can also import users from one’s local system to the QEval system. Admin can import the users in the bulk. An admin can also download the template using which the users can be added with all the needed details as per mentioned in the downloaded template. Then the admin can import those users to the QEval system.

To import new users follow the steps given below:

  1. Click on Add/Import Users button.

Add/Import Users page will be displayed.

2. Then, select the Import User tab and the following screen will be displayed:

3. Configure the following fields displayed on this page:

    • Business Unit is selected by default.
    • Select the Program from the list.
    • Download the template by clicking button and based on that create the list of users who needs to be imported.

Once the file is created save it in .xls or .xlsx or .csv format only.

Note: The uploaded template must contain user roles in the following hierarchy:

      • Admin
      • Supervisor
      • Agent
      • QA Manager
      • QA Supervisor 
      • QA Verifier
    • Then, click on the Choose File button to select the file that is to be imported.
    • Select Is Access IP based? checkbox, if the users are to be allowed access based on IP Address.
    • Click the Import button and the users get added.

Once the file is imported, the following acknowledgment message will be displayed:

If the file imported contains entries that are incorrect, then the following message will be displayed:

The incorrect entries in the imported file will be listed in the grid as shown on the screen below:

The number of Total Records, Correct Records, and Incorrect Records will be displayed as shown on the above screen.

One can update the file accordingly and import it again to add all the users.

The imported file can also be exported in excel format by clicking on the Export to Excel button.

The file will get downloaded into the admin’s local system.


Search Users

The search user functionality allows an admin to search a user from the QEval database based on various search filters. The admin can also search for users within the user module using either their login username or email address. Lastly, it also provides an option for the admin to edit or delete a searched user.

To access this functionality, click on the Search Users button to search for a specific user as shown below:

The Search Users window will be opened on the same page as shown below:


The page displays search criteria based on which one can search for a particular user. A user can be searched on the basis of selected criteria – Name, User Name, Email ID, Role, Supervisor Name, Status, Location, Employee ID, or a combination of any selected criteria.

Once the criteria are selected, click on button.

Based on the applied filter, the users will be displayed on the Manage Users page as shown on the screen below:


The following details will be displayed:

  • User Name: Displays the name of the user along with their Employee ID displayed in the round brackets.
  • Supervisor: Displays the name of the supervisor of the user, along with their Employee ID displayed in the round brackets.
  • Location: Displays the name of the location of the user.
  • Role: Displays the role of the user.
  • Alternate ID: Displays the alternate ID of the user.
  • Action: Two action icons will be displayed – Edit and Delete.


Edit User

Click on the Edit icon displayed under the Action column to edit any details of a particular user and the Edit User window will be displayed as shown below:

Note: While making any changes to the access rights of a particular user, an authorized user will also have to enter his/her password in the Password field under the Credentials section, as a part of the mandatory process before proceeding further.  This is shown highlighted on the below screen.

Once, the changes are made click on the Update button.

The changes will be applied to the user.


Delete User

From the Manage User, click on the Delete  icon to delete the user and the following confirmatory message as shown below:

Click  button to continue with the deletion of the user or click  button to cancel the process.


Export Users

The admin will also have the option to export the users in Excel and CSV formats.

To export, click on the Export To dropdown button. 

Following format options will be displayed – Excel and CSV.

Select the format and the users will be exported to the local system in the selected format.

The exported file will also display its content in the same structure as displayed on the Manage Users page.


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